Sunday, October 7, 2018

Caulinose like Syndrome

Case No. 02


1. Breed : Caprine
2. Sex: Female
3. Age: 4 years
4. Enlargement of nose
5. Having pain sensation
6. Previously treated with Renamtcin.

Clinical Findings:

1. Temp. 103.4 degree Fahrenheit
2.Respiratory Rate : 64/min ( very rappid) ; having abbnormal sound also snoring.
3. Having pain sensetion.
4.Watery nesal discharge present.


Caulinose like syndrome.


1.Inj.Renamycin LA -10ml * 1
Sig: Inj. 3ml IM and repeat every 48 hours.

Function: Antibiotic (Broad spectrum). It removes infection and prevent farther infection.

2. Inj. Diclofen -3ml amp. * 3
Sig: Inj. 1amp. IM for 3 days.

Function: It removes pain sensations.

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