Sunday, October 7, 2018

Caulinose like Syndrome

Case No. 02


1. Breed : Caprine
2. Sex: Female
3. Age: 4 years
4. Enlargement of nose
5. Having pain sensation
6. Previously treated with Renamtcin.

Clinical Findings:

1. Temp. 103.4 degree Fahrenheit
2.Respiratory Rate : 64/min ( very rappid) ; having abbnormal sound also snoring.
3. Having pain sensetion.
4.Watery nesal discharge present.


Caulinose like syndrome.


1.Inj.Renamycin LA -10ml * 1
Sig: Inj. 3ml IM and repeat every 48 hours.

Function: Antibiotic (Broad spectrum). It removes infection and prevent farther infection.

2. Inj. Diclofen -3ml amp. * 3
Sig: Inj. 1amp. IM for 3 days.

Function: It removes pain sensations.


Case No : 01

Paraphymosis in Dog: Remaining of penis out. Prepuce is unable to cover it.


1. Injury to the os-penis of dog.
2.Injury to the bulba glandis.
3.Injury to the root of the penis.
4.Genetic: Prepuce defect.


1. Breed: German Shephard (Name: Max)
2.Age: 5 months
3.Sex: Male
4: Swelling of penis and erectile in position.

Clinical findings:

1.Swelling of the penis.
2.No pein sensetion
4.Penis is out from the prepuce.


As there is no pain sensation so it is paraphymosis ( Chronic)
But if present there any pain sensation it could be piaprism.


Paraphymosis in Dog.
ary treatment:

1. Sugar application of that site: Hyperosmotic pressure creates and fluid comes out. Swelling may reduce.
Sugar is irritative.So, local anesthetics lidocaine (Jessocaine) may be applicable with sugar.
2. To create that area normal, we applied Ont. Genacort (1%), a drug of corticosteroid, so that blood vessels dilated and supply blood that affected area to go back at previous state.
3. Antibiotics was applied to prevent secondary infection.
Inj. Trizon-Vet (0.5gm) and Inj. Renacin/Astavet
4. Syp. Terbulin also help the enhencing of blood circulation.

Blood circulation increasing have a chance of returning in normal. Cells get regeneration and healing.

If the result is ineffective then pertial penile amputation may need.

Ferdous Hasan Mithun

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